Sunday, June 7, 2009

Zeitgeist - June 2009

It occurred to me that with a number of interesting world events taking place right now, maybe it would be fun to place The Brain of Phil in context. So, here is the zeitgeist of June 2009.

In Korea:
  • a former President, Roh Moo-hyun, committed suicide after being targeted for questioning over allegations of receiving bribery money.
  • North Korea tested a second nuclear bomb in an underground test, raising tensions once again on the peninsula (and scaring my family back in Canada yet again)
  • swine flu has caused a minor hysteria in Korea; a language school nearby recently shut its doors for a week, and my own employer has taken some rather unprecedented measures to prevent staff and students from catching the pig sickness -- but will these measures be enforced?
Around the world:
  • In Cairo, Barack Obama made his speech to the Muslim world in an effort to heal centuries-old wounds
  • an Air France jet crashed into the Atlantic Ocean
  • In Bangkok, David Carradine accidentally offed himself (it would seem) while engaging in some kinky self love
  • Roger Federer FINALLY won the French Open, largely thanks to Rafa Nadal bowing out of the tournament early

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